The Brown Sales team learns about “Dia De Los Reyes Magos” (Three Kings Day)
One fun thing about the Brown Sales team is that we’re comprised of people from all across the world! As a result, from time to time throughout the year, our whole team gets to learn about celebrations from many different cultures.
Today, we took a few moments to learn about Dia De Los Reyes Magos (Three Kings Day) – a holiday which “celebrates the biblical tale in which the Three Kings, or Three Wise Men, visit baby Jesus after his birth” – and to enjoy a delicious dessert called Rosca de Reyes (Kings’ Cake). Per this holiday’s tradition, those of us who found little babies inside our slice of cake will be bringing additional goodies for the team to enjoy early next month.
Below are some photos from our time together!

Jose tells our team about the traditions of Dia De Los Reyes Magos

Stewart cuts the first slice of cake.

Regina continues cutting…

Ross found a little baby in his slice of cake!

Bryce takes a turn at cutting the cake.
Of course, Brown Sales doesn’t oblige any of our team members to participate in these times of learning about our team members’ various cultures, nor are any viewpoints (religious or otherwise) pushed during these times. We simply enjoy learning more about each other as real people who are members of this Brown Sales team. We do not shy away from our diversity but rather embrace it as something enjoyable, interesting, and strengthening.