Brown Sales Creates Second Shift in Response to Demand for Cloth Face Masks
On March 30, 2020, Brown Sales launched our Deluxe Cloth Face Mask with Antimicrobial Cover into the marketplace. We were optimistic about customer response to our product, but demand has thus far exceeded our wildest expectations. In response to this huge demand, Brown Sales has created a second shift in our sewing department. We now […]
Brown Sales affirms its status as an “Essential Business and Operation” prior to Governor Evers’ SaferAtHome Executive Order
This press release was updated on March 24, 2020. Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers has announced his intent to issue an executive order which closes all non-essential businesses in the state of Wisconsin effective Tuesday, March 24, 2020. While the details of Governor Evers’ executive order are yet to be revealed, we can reasonably expect Evers’ […]